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Phoenix Guitar Society

Welcome to our organization!

Welcome to the Phoenix Guitar Society, a not-for-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. Formed in June 2016, our aspirations are to promote the classical guitar in our community through performances, classes, social gatherings, online gatherings and other activities. Our focus is on creating opportunities for amateur and student guitarists to share their music and develop their artistic skills. We do this by hosting the PGS Guest Artist Series, John Wetter Scholarship, fundraising, and the Sonoran Desert Guitars Festival. Through these events and outreach activities, we hope that others in our community, many of whom may have never heard and seen a guitar played this way, will come to love and appreciate the guitar as we do.


Our goals include becoming a central resource where guitar enthusiasts can find teachers and performers throughout the greater Phoenix area. With continued growth and funding, we have successfully implemented a scholarship program to assist deserving students who are pursuing careers in music. Our success will be measured by how well we engage our community with meaningful opportunities for all to learn, appreciate, and enjoy the art of playing the guitar. Please join us in our endeavor, players and non-players alike. Become a friend, attend a concert, sponsor a musician, or make a tax deductible donation to the Phoenix Guitar Society.


Happy Playing,

William Bayless, President

Phoenix Guitar Society

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Julia Villarreal JPG P1020185
Fco 2
Frank and Ludwig
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Chulyoung Park Profile_edited
Fernando Hernández León

2023 by Phoenix Guitar Society 

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